Where can I walk-in and purchase a license?
You can purchase your license at any of our five District Offices, your local probate office or license commissioner, or one of our various license agents.
Who is exempt from purchasing recreational licenses?
Click here to read more.
I’m 65 years of age and a resident of Alabama. Must I purchase a hunting or fishing license?
No. Residents of Alabama 65 years of age and older are not required to purchase recreational hunting, freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing licenses, wildlife management area licenses, or the state duck stamp. You must have proof of residence and age, like an Alabama driver's License, etc. Click here to read more about the privileges you ARE required to purchase.
Do I need a Conservation ID (CID) number and if so, how do I obtain one?
Yes. A CID number is unique to each hunter and can be used to purchase future licenses, Harvest Information Program (HIP) permits, and report deer and turkey harvests. CID numbers are also used to register for special opportunity hunts, alligator hunts, youth hunts, deer dog hunts, and trapping workshops. Click here to read more and learn how to get one.
I have a Conservation ID (CID) number but do not remember it, can I look it up?
Yes. Click here to look it up.
At what age must I purchase a hunting or fishing license?
Residents 16-64 years of age and all Non-Residents 16 years of age and over must have the appropriate license. Click here to read more.
Why is my Social Security Number required when purchasing a hunting/fishing license?
The Social Security Number is required by State and Federal Law when purchasing or renewing recreational licenses. Click here to see the law.
How can I contact my local officer or biologist?
You can get the telephone number to your local district office on the Contact Us page.